This season was a productive one for C. ruschenbergerii, C. cookii and C. grenadensis. The first species to reproduce was C. grenadensis, with two litters of seven and three neonates, respectively. The litters were born on 21 October and 24 October, 2022. The average weight of a neonate was 6.28 grams; by far the smallest neonates of the genus Corallus.
The second species reproduced this year was C. cookii, with a litter of eight nenates born 30 November 2022. The average weight of a neonate was 7.35 grams, the second smallest of the genus.
The third species to be reproduced this season was C. ruschenbergerii, consisting of a litter of six live and six stillborn. The average weight of a neonate was 21.45 grams, making them the third largest neonates of the genus.