“Knowledge…built on opinion only, will not stand.” Linnaeus, 1735
This section is intended to broaden your horizon and point you into the direction of opportunities, unsolved and solved questions and provides a standalone solution for anyone further interested in West Indian boas, wildlife, and natural history. The knowledge database is divided in three parts.
First you can search our library. We took time to curate the publications and added keywords, so that you can find all publications touching your topic of interest. This is especially valuable, given the name changes that occur in taxonomy. Also in regards to “hidden publications” that are not easily found because they don’t contain machine readable text. Try to type in the current scientific name (e.g. Corallus grenadensis), the region (e.g. “Hispaniola”) or the topic (e.g. “reproductive biology”), chose “ITEM” to find publications that contain the query in the title/author/journal , or “TAG” to get the curated results. We are aware that our manual curation is far from perfect, please help us to improve by pointing out publications that should be included or tags that should be added. Contact

View our full bibliography (click on the picture on the left) The selection represents a rather broad sample of articles, books, reports etc, linked to herpetology. We hope this will broaden your knowledge about West Indian boas, reptile care, conservation, ecology, environmental science. In other words: touching all aspects of interest for any devoted naturalist. Where ever possible, we added a link for you to download or buy the articles or books. We are constantly improving our database and more links will follow in the future.

We also added a link section (click on the picture on the right) which allows you to connect to researchers, scientific journals, booksellers, museums, institutions, breeders and knowledge websites. It is intended for you to broaden your horizon and eventually return the favor by providing us feedback with new ideas, interesting topics and new research which we haven’t found yet. Contact